3 tips for effective online teaching

With nearly a decade of experience in developing large scale online, interactive learning programmes we’ve learnt a thing or two about what works well online and what doesn’t.
“When taking stock of the key principles behind our online course designs we realised we were exploring a shift of focus from content to people,” says curriculum expert Dr Sophie Millner;
“There is a tradition of placing learning materials at the centre of teaching. This results in quite a burden on the shoulders of the educator to produce lots of content. Shifting this focus to learning outcomes allows for greater creativity in the classroom and for more student engagement.”
Not to say that content isn’t a crucial component, but it is one element in a set of other equally important elements. In fact, in the virtual classroom or learning space, these other elements actually grow in importance.
Here are three tips for successful and effective online learning experiences:
1. ‘Less is more’
As for many other things in life, ‘less is more’ goes a long way. Curate your materials so that what you deliver is short but really valuable and stimulating.
2. Activate your learners
It’s not all about content, so why not give more time for learners to interact and engage with the material by designing interactive assignments. These will help learners feel engaged and increase their sense of ownership.
3. Invest in relationship building
Especially, but not solely, in these detached times. Establishing relationships between instructor-students as well as amongst students is not only good for wellbeing but also enhances student learning and skill development.
Learn more about these and more elements like how to set students up for success, creating engaging content in the training ‘Going Virtual’ (9, 16, 23 February)