Enhancing Climate Awareness In Europe And The Southern Mediterranean Area

CliVEx: Climate Virtual Exchange

  • Course overview
  • Learning objectives
  • Curriculum
  • Learn more about this project

CliVEx is an EU-funded international project that aims to enhance intercultural dialogue between students from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean area on the topic of climate change. 

The Sharing Perspectives Foundation is as partner in the project responsible for the design and implementation of the Virtual Exchange course Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion.

‘Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion’ is an interactive, international, online learning experience about one of humanity’s biggest challenges: Finding just and inclusive ways to respond to the climate crisis. Through Virtual Exchange, students from diverse national and cultural backgrounds learn with – and from – each other, by engaging in dialogue, skill-building activities, and an activating group project. 


Course overview

Over the course of this 10-week programme, students meet online on a weekly basis for a two-hour group session guided by trained facilitators, to exchange ideas on the week’s topic(s) and discuss the content. They also engage in relationship building activities and exercises to enhance their intercultural competencies. Alongside group learning, this course includes a curriculum offering engaging bite-sized audiovisual materials like videos, articles and podcasts. These materials provide information on key concepts, as well as spotlight a range of perspectives and voices on the sociopolitical dimensions of climate change. The curriculum is designed to provoke thoughts and critical thinking, provide starters for discussions, and create awareness. 

In short: 

  • 10-week Virtual Exchange course from March 4 – May 10, 2024.
  • Total of 90 hours of student investment  (equal to 3ECTS).
  • Unique transnational group project. 
  • Innovative learning elements, intercultural and transversal skill building. 
  • A curriculum with thought-provoking audiovisual materials. 
Read our syllabus for more details

Learning objectives

By combining different synchronous and asynchronous learning elements, students will gain valuable transversal skills and competencies, including:

  • Global Awareness and Systems Thinking
  • Digital Literacy
  • Effective Communication
  • Leadership and Collaboration
  • Intercultural competence and intercultural sensitivity
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility
  • Sustainability Competences
Learn more about the learning objectives


The main theme of this course is climate justice, with a focus on inclusive climate action. The proposed curriculum aims to inform students on this large theme by addressing sub-themes in a manner that allows them to comprehend its complexity and intersections with other social issues, reflect on power dynamics and global politics, while ultimately empowering them to engage in civic action to contribute towards inclusive climate action. 

The weekly curriculum is structured around the following ten themes: 

  1. Introduction to the Climate Crisis and the Concept of Climate Justice
  2. Climate Change and Inequality (Part I)
  3. Climate Change and Inequality (Part II)
  4. Power and Climate Action
  5. Climate Justice Through a Personal Lens
  6. Global Politics and Climate Policy
  7. Critical Lens on Climate Initiatives
  8. Climate Communication and Advocacy
  9. Climate Crisis Strategies: Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience
  10. Climate Actions


Read more about the weekly themes of this course

Learn more about this project

Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion is part of an EU-funded project called Climate Virtual Exchange (CliVEx). If you are interested to learn more about this project, please visit the project’s website www.clivex.eu.

Project website

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.