‘Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion’ is an interactive, international, online learning experience about one of humanity’s biggest challenges: Finding just and inclusive ways to respond to the climate crisis.
The Digital Us is een initiatief dat zich inzet om online haat, discriminatie en racisme te bestrijden. Het project richt zich op jongeren en helpt hen om sociale media veiliger en inclusiever te maken.
‘Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion’ is an interactive, international, online learning experience about one of humanity’s biggest challenges: Finding just and inclusive ways to respond to the climate crisis.
The Digital Us activeert jongeren om sociale media te transformeren tot een meer inclusieve en toegankelijke omgeving waar jongeren die in Nederland online racisme ervaren zich veiliger kunnen uiten.
The Digital Us activeert jongeren om sociale media te transformeren tot een meer inclusieve en toegankelijke omgeving waar jongeren die in Nederland online racisme ervaren zich veiliger kunnen uiten.
'Climate Movements' is the international Virtual Exchange that focuses on key debates around climate change. As young people mobilize around one of humanity’s biggest questions, this course asks: what is the impact of climate change on the planet, political action and the movement of people?
'Climate Movements' is the international Virtual Exchange that focuses on key debates around climate change. As young people mobilize around one of humanity’s biggest questions, this course asks: what is the impact of climate change on the planet, political action and the movement of people?
Our flagship 9-week, international Virtual Exchange ‘Climate Movements’ explores key debates around climate change. Participants learn with, and from, each other through our distinctive Virtual Exchange model. Stimulated by engaging expert content, they explore key debates around sustainability, migration, policy and youth mobilisation. They meet weekly for facilitated dialogue sessions and interactive assignments, building 21st century skills. A safe and unique international exchange for students!
Training course on effective teaching in an interactive online environment
‘GOING VIRTUAL’ is a training course that builds the capacity of educators to teach in an interactive online environment. This 3-week training is designed for educators learning how to move their teaching practices into an online environment in an effective and engaging way. Educators will experience an interactive, hands-on training, during which we will provide step-by-step techniques, practical tips and unique exercises modelling online interactivity and student engagement.
Cultural Encounters | The Big Climate Movement will focus on key debates around climate change. As young people mobilize around one of humanity’s biggest questions, this course asks: what is the impact of climate change on the planet, political action and the movement of people?
Social Circles offers young people from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean the opportunity to have a short but meaningful Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange experience. Through online facilitated dialogue, participants will engage in constructive communication with peers from different cultures and countries over a specific topic of their mutual interest.
‘Sustainable Food Systems’ is a 5-week Interactive Open Online Course giving participants the chance to learn about the challenges and opportunities of the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean.
‘Countering Hate Speech’ is the Interactive Open Online Course where participants learn about and discuss current challenges posed by hate speech in their communities and societies at large.
In this course you will be introduced to core concepts of violence, conflict, and peace while exchanging ideas and perspectives together with your peers from other countries and diverse cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, you will explore and discuss together the roles you can play in the contexts you live and work in.
A new wave of anti-establishment politics and populist voices are gaining power around the world. Their often nationalist agendas claim to represent the will of the people and many feel a connection to this form of politics. Explore all of this and more, together with students from other countries and diverse cultural backgrounds.
Technology has never been as influential as it is today; impacting our personal lives as well as the societies we live in. In the course ‘Technology and Society’ participants get the chance to share their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities technological developments pose with youth from other countries and diverse backgrounds.
In the Interactive Open Online Course ‘Gender In/equality in Media and Journalism’, participants will engage with learning resources and expert content developed by Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries (AGEMI) while exchanging on different aspects of the gender-media relationship.
Participants in Cultural Encounters explore the new wave of anti-establishment politics gaining power around the world. Taking an often nationalist agenda, their policies are reshaping our relationship to neighbouring countries and cultures. These political regimes claim to speak for the people and many people feel a connection to this form of politics so what is the appeal and what is the impact on democracy?
Through Virtual Exchange, students and young media professionals will put their own experiences, values, and challenges in the forefront as a primary source for learning and application about gender in/equality in the media.
This 5 week Interactive Open Online Course gives participants the chance to learn about the challenges and opportunities of the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean. It is guided by leading experts through a self-paced course. In addition, participants will engage in intercultural dialogue during live online group sessions where they get the chance to share their ideas, experiences and reflections with others with different cultural backgrounds.
‘Countering Hate Speech’ is the Interactive Open Online Course where participants learn about and discuss current challenges posed by hate speech in their communities and societies at large. Not only do participants engage in dialogue about the topic and get access to expert video lectures, they also collaboratively work towards creating a campaign to counter hate speech in various forms.
Stimulated by video lectures from expert academics and practitioners produced by Migration Matters, participants exchange ideas and perspectives in a video-conference room and engage in an interactive assignment that brings the online experience to the offline reality. Participants develop transversal skills such as self-esteem, curiosity and cross-cultural communication skills and will be awarded Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange digital Badges highlighting the skills achieved.
Countering Hate Speech will take participants on an interactive, action-oriented journey on countering hate speech in Europe. What are the various forms hate speech is taking? What are the causes and consequences of hate speech at the individual and societal level? How is hate speech regulated in Europe? And what can be done to fight hate? Based on a human rights perspective, this course explores these questions and the actions that can be undertaken to effectively counter hate and promote open societies.
This Newcomers and Nationalism | Exploring the Challenges of Belonging in Europe interactive open online course invites refugees and non-refugee students from all over Europe and the Southern Mediterranean to learn together in an interactive, online classroom.
This Interactive Open Online Course, “Gender In/equality in Media and Journalism”, invites participants to engage with learning resources and expert content developed by Advancing Gender Equality in Media Industries (AGEMI) while exchanging on different aspects of the gender-media relationship. Through virtual exchange, students and young media professionals will put their own experiences, values, and challenges in the forefront as a primary source for learning and application about gender equality in the media.
European Refuge/es: Cultivating Diversity Together
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange
European Refuge/es is the first Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange programme implemented by the Sharing Perspectives Foundation. The aim of this programme is to bring together refugee and non-refugee youth across Europe to discuss what it means to be a citizen in Europe. Jointly they will develop a (counter) narrative to combat stigmatisation and foster mutual understanding.