Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange

Social Circles

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  • About the Course
  • How it works
  • Participants
  • Topics and Dates
  • Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange
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Social Circles offers young people from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean the opportunity to have a short but meaningful Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange experience. Through online facilitated dialogue, participants will engage in constructive communication with peers from different cultures and countries over a specific topic of their mutual interest.

Dates Oct 05 - Oct 18 2020

Duration 12 days

Language Eng, Fr, Ar

Application deadline Sep 20 2020

Weekly time investment

-> 2,5 hours

How it works

Social Circles are short dialogue exchange opportunities, bringing together young people from various backgrounds, interested to participate in a series of online small group discussions about key issues that matter to youth in the world today.

This activity takes two weeks in total, including 2 online live group meetings, activities and assignments. The live online sessions are led by trained online dialogue facilitators and take 2-hours each. Here participants will get to know each other and discuss the theme of the Social Circle.


This opportunity is open to all individuals aged 18-30 currently residing in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean.  Participation is free of charge and you don’t need prior experience with Virtual Exchange. Eligible individuals that want to take part can apply independently. They can apply to join as many topical Social Circles as they want, or just try it once to get a taste of virtual exchange. Social Circles, therefore, is a great activity to pilot Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange and can serve as an introduction to other Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange activities. 

Apply for one of the Social Circles on the topic you want to learn more about together with youth from all over Europe and the Southern Mediterranean. Join the conversation!

Topics and Dates

“How should a post-pandemic world look like regarding global themes such as digitalization, consumption, mobility (and more)?”

  • October  5 – 16 2020
  • Live sessions: October 9 & 16 October, 2020
  • Application deadline: 20 September Language(s):

“3 years after #metoo, where are we in terms of gender relations?”

  • 30 November – 11 December 2020
  • Live sessions: 4 & 11 December 2020
  • Application deadline 15 November 2020
Apply here

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange

‘Social Circles’ is part of the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project and as such produced under a contract with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, financed by the Union’s budget. The opinions expressed are those of the Sharing Perspectives Foundation, our partners and participants only and do not represent the European Commission’s official position.

© 2018 European Union and EACEA. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU and EACEA.
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange hub

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