Additional resources week 7 – NN Spring 2019
The Digital Us Academy
Climate Justice Fall 2024
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Week 7
A place to belong
Additional Resources and Alternative Perspectives
Introductions and Definitions
How the Need to Belong Influences Human Behavior and Motivation
Verywell Mind (2019)
What Does Belonging Mean to You (Part 1)
Coram (2017)
What Does Belonging Mean to You (Part 2)
Coram (2017)
Sense of Belonging: Literature review
Carla Valle Painter (2013) Government of Canada
Additional Contexts
The Face of the Nation: Troubling the sameness-strangeness divide in the age of migration
Marco Antonsich (2018)
A Question of Culture and Belonging: Identity and Integration in Denmark
Humanity in Action (2006)
Different Perspectives
How to help migrants foster a new sense of belonging
Veronica Barnsley & Shirin Teifouri (2017) The Conversation
Douglas Murray – If not a Europe of ideas, then a Europe of tribes
The Mill Series (2017)
Relevant Research
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism
Benedict Anderson (1983)
Why Do Nations Matter? The struggle for belonging and security in an uncertain world.
Michael Skey (2012)