Emilia Roig

Centre for Intersectional Justice

Intersectionality in relation to hate speech

One is almost never solely privileged or marginalised. No person only belongs to  one  social  group  but  has  multiple  identity  affiliations  at the same time. For example, a gay Black man working in the care business may feel related to various social groups at the same time: man, black or African culture, LGBTQI+, and care workers. The privilege of a person can then be seen at the intersection of multiple identities: being  male  can  imply some benefits, while being gay may not. Our benefits are defined in relation to others. For example, one group is privileged, white people, while others are not, non-white people. In this video, Emilia Roig is explaining the concept of intersectionality in relation to hate speech.

Look out for...

  • Definition of intersectionality
  • An insight into intersectionality in action