Additional resources

Nationalism and the role of the ‘Other’

Additional Resources and Alternative Perspectives

Interested to learn more about this week’s topic? We have selected some materials for you. These resources consist of introductory information, in-depth texts, case studies and challenging, counter perspectives.


Introductions and Definitions

Other/Otherness Jean-François Staszak (2008) 

Who me? Biased? New York Times (2016)


Additional Contexts

On the Intersection of Politics and Visual Culture University of Copenhagen & (2019)

The Othering of Muslim Women by Western and Eastern Societies Allegra Upton (2018)


Relevant Research

The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging John A. Powell & Stephen Menendian (2017)

‘The stranger’, the city and the nation: on the possibilities of identification and belonging Lasse Koefoed & Kirsten Simonsen (2011)

The face of the nation: Troubling the sameness-strangeness divide in the age of migration Marco Antonsich (2018)


Different Perspectives

The Ugly Truth About “Othering” Yolande Conradie (2019)