Higher Education

Virtual Exchange

We run large-scale, dialogue-based virtual exchanges in higher education, connecting students from universities across the world to each other in facilitated dialogue. Since launching our first virtual exchange programme in 2013, we have engaged over 30,000 students from more than 100 countries. We have partnered  with over 80 universities worldwide and facilitated thousands of online interactive learning sessions in multiple languages, such as English, Dutch, and Arabic.

From 2018 to 2020, we participated in a consortium that piloted the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange for the European Commission, engaging over 27,000 participants in just three years. From 2022 until 2025 we are commissioned by the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science to train Dutch educators to develop Virtual International Collaboration projects. Between 2023 and 2026 we run the large scale Virtual Exchange programme Climate Justice as part of the EU funded project CliVEx engaging at least 1500 students. 

Dialogue-based virtual exchange


Dialogue serves as the primary approach to learning in our virtual exchanges in higher education, promoting deep intercultural exchange and fostering personal growth among students. Intercultural sensitivity and personal development are central to the learning objectives of our programmes. By using dialogue as a pedagogical framework, our virtual exchanges in higher education offer distinctive characteristics that set them apart from non-dialogue-based virtual exchange programmes:
  • Dialogue takes place in small groups. The most impactful dialogues occur within small participant groups. In our programmes, the ideal learning group consists of 6–12 students. We organise small groups for our students, even in large programmes with over 500 participants.
  • Dialogue is a process. Our unique Group Process Framework, empowers facilitators to customize activities during dialogue sessions based on the specific stage and needs of each group.
  • The dialogue process requires time. Effective dialogue takes time, which is why our programmes span several weeks. We do not believe in one-off interactions; instead, we consider a minimum of six sessions of two hours each essential for meaningful engagement.

Our impact


Growth in intercultural sensitivity and personal development varies for each individual. Participants in our virtual exchanges in higher education are highly diverse, representing different countries, academic backgrounds, educational traditions, and language proficiencies. Measuring the impact of our programmes is therefore complex, as we cannot expect all learners to reach a predefined level or standard. Consequently, traditional exams or papers are not suitable for validating participants’ learning outcomes.


To address this, we have developed group-level impact measurements for intercultural sensitivity and other personal development indicators, employing pre- and post-evaluation surveys, focus group interviews, and the analysis of assignment submissions.


CliVEx Climate Justice Spring 2024 Impact Report

Satisfaction among our participants is extremely high. Overall, 95% of participants reported being “Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied” with the course, with 97% satisfaction for facilitators and 93% for the course materials. The Dialoguex learning platform – our learning environment – and course structure received satisfaction ratings of 97% and 91%, respectively.


The evaluation assessed changes in participants’ learning and engagement throughout the programme, focusing on four key sustainability dimensions: Embody, Embrace, Envision, and Acting. These dimensions represent distinct aspects of the environmental learning outcomes targeted by the course, developed in alignment with the GreenComp: European Sustainability Competence Framework. We observed large positive effect sizes for the Embody and Acting scales (d = 0.74 and d = 0.69, respectively) and a moderate positive effect size for Embrace (d = 0.43), while no significant difference was noted on Envision.


The improvements seen in the Embody and Acting scales indicate that participants made notable progress in internalising environmental values and taking actions based on their learning. These results highlight the programme’s positive impact in promoting environmentally responsible behaviours and attitudes among participants.
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What participants say about our programme

“I think this course has been a great stretch of my own comfort zone combined with a horizon-broadening experience. All in all, I am of the opinion that such courses should become a part of curriculums at universities more often, since I believe it could teach many of us to be more open-minded, tolerant and better, responsible citizens.”

Former student, 21, Slovakia

From Inequality to Inclusion

Climate Justice

‘Climate Justice: From Inequality to Inclusion’ is an interactive, international, online learning experience about one of humanity’s biggest challenges: finding just and inclusive ways to respond to the climate crisis. Through Virtual Exchange, students from diverse national and cultural backgrounds learn with – and from – each other, by engaging in dialogue, skill-building activities, and an activating group project.

Mar 10 - May 16



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Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange as a new form of education

What the Virtual Exchange format introduces, is a continuous connection between the local and the global, online and offline, personal and common, or differences and similarities. The format does not introduce a radical disruption from or for traditional forms of education, but establishes new dimensions and connections to existing, formal education settings. 

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