Dr. Irene Bloemraad

Migration Matters

Are Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion at Odds With One Another?

Does supporting multiculturalism make us stronger or does it threaten social cohesion? Prof. Dr. Irene Bloemraad shares findings from her research and the Multiculturalism Policy Index that help explain the link between multicultural policy and integration.


Are Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion at Odds With One Another?

  • Debate on pluralism policy harming the process of integration
  • Integration as social cohesion: a sense of unity within a country
  • Multicultural Policy Index
  • Country rankings in terms of multicultural policy
  • Countries with more multiculturalism policy have more social cohesion in some factors
  • Effect on children of immigrants
  • No evidence that multiculturalism undermines integration